Author: Le'Keisha Mazur

Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is the craziest business name you have ever heard? Did you ever want to do business with a company based on how good their name sounded? Does the spelling matter in a biz name? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about What’s IN a Business Name She was helping one of her clients come up with a name for their business. The process was too overwhelming for her client and so her help was enlisted. It really shouldn’t be that overwhelming to name a business and she wouldn’t want to discourage those that need help to…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Beach trip or marketing trip? Beach and live music, all in a day? Dill pickle fudge? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Marketing’s a Beach Even if you don’t directly have a product or service that is beach related. You could “bum” these things for your business to market to people that go to the beach. These 5 tips each come with a story. Don’t be hungry listening to this episode. Just sit back and relax as she takes you on this marketing journey at the beach with storytelling to where you swear you were right…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Remember the telephone game? Has something you said got lost in translation to a potenial customer and didn’t do business with you? How often do you use the phrase, “What I meant to say was.. Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about 6 degrees of message separation It is essential, communication, to get across thoughts and ideas, as well as actions to the varies relationships we have with Family, friends, business partners, and the community. Hear an example of how the six messages of communication on the understanding end work as well as what they are. Never…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you have a business number? Is your business number registered? Do you have your business voicemail set up? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Getting Call Clarity For Business Customers and potential clients don’t answer when they don’t know who’s calling. And seriously why should they? Do you even pick up the phone for someone unless you know who they are? Go ahead and say no. And why don’t you? Because scam and fraudulent calls make it almost impossible to know when it’s a legitimate business calling you or a scam of some sort. In…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you pay for reviews? What is the best way to ask for a referral? Are your clients walking dollar signs to you? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about 1 page marketing plan pt3 It’s based on the book she read twice. Once when she started her entrepreneur journey and a couple of years later as a checkpoint. It’s called a one page marketing plan by Allan Dib (not a sponsor). This was her marketing game changer. She have used this method for every product line offered over the years. Get the secret sauce of the…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is the Holy Grail piece of information you want your lead to provide? Why is a bake sale like a lead list? What is a case study? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about 1 page marketing plan pt2 Based on a delightful piece of paper that she uses constantly to make her marketing go really quickly. It’s based on the book she read many moons ago called one page marketing plan by Allan Dib (not a sponsor). This is her marketing game changer, soon to be yours! So this is where we go into part…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you think your market is everybody? What is the framework for a compelling message? Do you throw marketing spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about 1 page marketing plan pt1 This is actually part one of a three-part episode because the plan itself has nine components based on a book by Allan Dib that she read and that she has used for several years. It’s kinda like a book report but cooler! Although leaders are readers! You will get three sections per episode, nice and digestible, and then…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Have you ever heard of a business recommitment ceremony? Are you just relying on logic? Are you all in when it comes to running your business every day? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Being all IN No, this is not talking about hosting and playing poker as a business activity. Copious notes and imagination are encouraged, but not required as she offers five ways to commit to your business that some may not think matters, but Indeed these five ways do matter. Practically application gives the results, take a deep breath and slowly exhale as…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Are you feeling burnout on your new business venture? Are you stepping out in a new direction? Is doubt trying to settle in on your new plan? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about 1st Quarter Burnout? Business owners with employees seem to have their highest production in the month of March. Not sure how or why, but it just happens. But it’s leaving employees feeling burned out. So she wondered if this was on the same spectrum for business owners and she found it to be correct also only for different reasons. Maybe you are thinking:…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify How long does it take you to cash a check? What is the difference between a trial offer vs a payment plan when it comes to the best way to offer your product or service to a customer/ client right now? What is your favorite way to keep track of how your business earns revenue? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Payment Basics. Learn the 5 points that make the business payment system work for your business so you can scale and grow by getting paid. No more missed opportunities to get the product to…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Who should be the one that creates your website? Do you feel confident you can create the 5 legal components and include disability access? How complex is your overall website design? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Website oversites Pt.2 This is part 2 of a two part episode. So if you didn’t get a chance to listen to Episode 34 Business Website Oversites Pt.1, make sure you go back and listen so you can get the full scope of what this episode is talking about. She goes over the pros and cons of who…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is your website supposed to do for you and your business 24/7 when you are sleeping? What are the legal components of your website? Do you like your cookies with milk? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Website oversites Pt.1 This is part 1 of a two-part episode. So the next episode after this will have the other half of the lessons. Don’t think that you have to wait until the next episode; you need to listen to this first. Some may just drop off right here and figure if you wait until the…

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